Integrated Urgent Care

Leicestershire’s Better Care Fund focuses on providing an integrated Urgent Response Service in the community, with clear and effective alternatives to hospital admission.

The local crisis response offer is a multi-service approach which involves adult social care, community nursing and health therapy working together to support the citizens of Leicestershire who are experiencing a health or social care crisis within their own home and without which they will be admitted to hospital or a care home. For example, if you suffer a sudden deterioration in your condition or a change in the circumstances of your carer.

Leicestershire County Council is part of an accelerator site scheme working towards 2 hour crisis response standards and 2 day reablement standards. Our aim is to provide urgent crisis response within 2 hours (where needed) to prevent imminent hospital admission.

In addition to reducing hospital admissions our Crisis Response Service (CRS) provides users of our service with short term interim care and assessment support after hospital discharge which helps provide re-ablement, restore health, wellbeing and independence

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

CRS Criteria:

  • Faces a high risk of deterioration in their health, condition or functioning without timely social care input.
  • Palliative patients but they are not end of their life.
  • Have fallen but do not require hospital assessment/treatment or are at risk of further falls.
  • Experience a sudden, acute inability to transfer and require social care input.
  • Needs urgent support as part of their discharge from hospital preventing an undue crisis once home due to concerns surrounding their safety and ability to cope.
  • Are at risk of admission or re-admission into an acute hospital or into residential care without urgent social care intervention.
  • Are facing a ‘carer crisis’, for example when their main carer is rushed into hospital or cannot manage a sudden deterioration in the person’s needs.
  • Help individuals in community who have health and social care crisis and prevent admission to hospital or care home.

CSC (customer service centre) – 0116 305 0004

CRS – 0116 305 0495