Integrated Domiciliary Care

Leicestershire’s new integrated health and social care service, Home Care for Leicestershire (HC4L) began on 1st November 2021 and replaces the previous Help to Live at Home (HTLAH) service.

The Home Care for Leicestershire (HC4L) service is jointly commissioned by Leicestershire County Council and the County Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and will provide on-going care, following reablement by HART, or where people are assessed as having eligible needs.

Who is it provided for?

The HC4L service is provided to people aged 18 and over, who are eligible to receive health and social care services and live in Leicestershire, or just outside the County boundary but are registered with a Leicestershire GP.

The HC4L service has been designed to help people who use the service to maximise their independence and wellbeing at home, by offering the right level of support to enable them to live independently.

What type of service is offered?

HC4L providers deliver home care services for people in the community who have eligible needs for ongoing health and social care support after their period of reablement care with HART has ended to:

  • support them to remain independent
  • help prevent hospital admission

This social care and health support can be provided during the daytime or at night, depending on individual need.

How to access Home Care for Leicestershire

The county council is the lead commissioner for the HC4L service and delivers this on behalf of both CCGs. NHS staff in the CCGs, University Hospitals of Leicester and Leicestershire Partnership Trust can refer patients to the service by contacting the county council’s Customer Service Centre on 0116 305 0004 .